Short biography of the track leaders Theme 1

Abishek Agarwal
Abishek Agarwal is a Senior Lecturer in management in the Aberdeen Business School. He has overall responsibility for the full time MBA Oil & Gas Management and MBA. Abhishek has contributed to the delivery of various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Aberdeen Business School since 2004. He has designed and coordinated a number of modules, including ‘Energy Policy and the Environment’ (BSM117), ‘Energy Project (BSM673)’ , ‘Strategic Analysis for the Energy Sector’ and ‘Renewable Energy Management (BSM158)‘. Abhishek is a Postgraduate dissertation co-ordinator for Aberdeen Business School. He has been instrumental in resourcing and leading industry sponsored consultancy projects.

Frank Berkers
Frank Berkers MSc is senior scientist at TNO Strategic Business Analysis dept. in The Hague where he is responsible for business modelling and value network analysis. He specialises in strategic decision making, multi actor business modelling and governance in context of innovation for sustainability. He founded TNO’s strategic initiative Orchestrating Innovation, which trains TNO’s leaders of large open societal impact focused innovation hubs in innovation management and networks them with peers and innovation management specialists. He also developed several methods to support business modelling and analysis, including the Value Case Methodology and DAMIAN™ and Residual Value Calculator.
He joined TNO in 2008 and has contributed to over 500 European and national private and public innovation project initiatives in several domains including internet, blockchain, IoT, mobility and logistics, telecoms, agrifood, chemistry.
He is currently pursuing a PhD degree on ‘strategic decision making for collaborative digital business’ at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Frank holds a master’s degree in Econometrics and Operations Research from Maastricht University. Before joining TNO, he has held positions at ABN AMRO as marketing/consumer intelligence analyst and at market research agency SKIM as senior methodologist where he set up preferred supplier-ships with McKinsey and Monitor, on the field of computer aided choice experiments.

Abel Diaz
Abel Diaz is a Ph. D. candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. His research focuses on the development of ecosystems in support of social Entrepreneurship. He has the ambition to develop this study in Europe and also comparing with different contexts, especially in BoP countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia, where he is originally from. He joined the team of the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship in 2016 and currently is supporting the communications and projects management. Abel holds a MSc in Management from the VUB and Corporate Communication & International Relation studies from Universidad del Norte in Colombia.

Manon Eikelenboom
Manon Eikelenboom is PhD student in Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the University of Groningen Campus Fryslân (Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship). Manon’s research focuses on combining circular business models with social considerations including the needs of local communities. This involves close cooperation with social housing associations, adopting case and action research methodologies.

Gjalt de Jong
Gjalt de Jong is Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a Circular Economy (University of Groningen, Faculty Campus Fryslân). Professor de Jong is director of the Master of Science program Sustainable Entrepreneurship, director of the Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, board member of the Faculty Campus Fryslân and board member of the Faculty’s research institute. Prior to his current position he served as associate professor at the University of Groningen (Faculty of Economics and Business) and as senior management consultant for KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Harold Krikke
Harold Krikke (1967) studied Industrial Engineering and Management at Twente University of Technology, majoring in Operations Research. At the same university he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Reverse Logistics in 1998. Thereafter, he worked as a business consultant at Tebodin consultants and as a project manager at CentER Applied Research. He held academic positions as (assistant/associate/full) Professor at Rotterdam School of Management, Tilburg School of Economics & Management and Open Universiteit Nederland. He also acted as a guest teacher at TIAS business school, Hult Business School, Vlerick Business School, Maastricht University and TU Delft. His favourite topics are (value creation in) circular economy, supply chain risk, and additive manufacturing.
Prof. Krikke has been involved in about 25 applied research projects, bridging the gap between theory and practice. He has published in international journals such as International Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, California Management Review, and many others. He also published in many popular journals, blogs and websites and has about 4500 citations in GoogleScholar.

Wim Lambrechts
Wim Lambrechts is assistant professor of Supply Chain Management at the Open University of the Netherlands, and visiting professor of Social Entrepreneurship at Hasselt University (Belgium). His research on sustainable and social entrepreneurship is specifically focused upon individual sustainability competences as well as social, sustainable and circular business models.

Thomas Long
Thomas Long is Assistant Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the University of Groningen’s Campus Fryslân Faculty, and a member of the Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Tom’s research interests focus on responsible innovation in contexts of sustainable entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in heritage areas, and sustainable business models. Tom’s Ph.D., completed at the University of Leeds (UK) in 2013, focused on the management of supply chain greenhouse gas emissions by public and private focal organisations in the UK”

Deike Schulz
Deike Schulz is Associate Lector at NHL-Stenden University of Applied Sciences. Since May 2017 she’s the head of the research group Organizations & Social Media at the Academy of Communication & Creative Business. Together with colleagues, students and external stakeholders she researches how online communication, in particular online content, -dialogue and commitment, becomes meaningful for citizens, organizations and their stakeholders. In addition she is a PhD candidate at Radboud School of Management (Radboud University, Nijmegen). The topic of her research is the influence of interactive communication amongst citizens in digital social networks on the construction of organizational legitimacy. Nowadays citizens are able to legitimize specific products, services and actions of companies in online communities without being in direct contact with these organizations. The PhD project focuses on this ‘additional legitimacy dimension’. In 2015 she received a research grant for this PhD project from the Dutch Scientific Organisation (NWO).
Deike grew up on the world’s most beautiful sandbank called Juist. In the nineties she moved from Germany to the Netherlands to study Media Art. After graduation she started her own Internet agency and worked in ICT and webdesign. In 2002 she made a career change into higher education. During her master in Strategy and Innovation at the University of Groningen she got passionate about various aspects of mass communication, especially the influence of social media on consumer behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The information of Jan Jonker, Niels Faber, and Nikolay Dentchev you can find on the page team