Fishbowl Discussion
Dive-in to Values-Based Innovation Management
Values, i.e. notions of the desirable, guide individuals as well as organisations into our common future. If they are appropriately understood and applied, values provide a powerful lever for innovation management. In particular, business model Innovation cannot be well understood, designed, or managed without recurring to values and normative orientations of the stakeholders being involved. Pro-environmental companies such as Ecosia exemplify the potentials of values-based business development, but also established corporations attending to customer values learned how to manage innovation based on what we care about.
This, we will learn from and discuss with our guests: Philip Baumann of Ecosia, Roman Meier-Andrae of TÜV Nord Mobility, and Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer.
Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer, UXBerlin Innovation Consulting, University of Applied Sciences HMKW
Philip Baumann, Ecosia
Roman Meier-Andrae, TÜV Nord Mobilität
Date & Place:
July 1st, 2019, 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm
Tangoloft, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin,
Henning Breuer is founder of UXBerlin – Innovation Consulting (, and professor for business and media psychology at the University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Business in Berlin, Germany. Since 2001, he has provided strategic consulting on future scenarios, new business models and ethnographic insights for large companies, young start-ups and public organisations. As visiting professor and researcher he worked at Waseda University (Tokyo), the University of Chile (Santiago), and the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. His recent textbook, together with Florian Lüdeke-Freund, is on Values-Based Innovation Management.