Session 6

“New Perspectives on the Bottom of the Pyramid Strategies”
Chairs: Nikolay A. Dentchev (VUB, Belgium) and Laura Michelini  (LUMSA, Italy)

This is a paper development workshop in the frame of a special issue on “New perspectives on the Bottom of the Pyramid Strategies”, approved by the editors of Business & Society (submission deadline 1 April 2019). Workshop participants are invited to submit extended abstracts of about 1.000 words. Prior to the conference in Sofia, workshop participants are encouraged to revise their abstracts and to develop further their ideas toward a first draft of a paper (no obligation). These abstracts will be reviewed by the workshop organizers. In addition, all workshop participants will be encouraged to share their papers with all other participants, in order to generate feedback. In addition, we will share during the workshop relevant references, theories, case studies, data sources, etc. that might be supportive for the further development of the papers. Overall, we aim at creating a constructive environment for developing sound ideas in preparation for a scholarly contribution.

Workshop participants will be offered an opportunity to submit their contributions to this Special Issue in BAS. A full call for papers can be found on the journal.

New Models of Supply Chains for Multinationals in the Base of the Pyramid
Garry D. Bruton1, Chris Sutter2, Geoff Kistruck3
1TCU, USA; 2University of Miami, USA; 3York University, Canada

Rethinking the Base of the Pyramid business models engaging the poor in the value chain
Krzysztof Dembek1,2, Jodi York2
1Swinburne University, Australia; 2University of Melbourne, Australia.

A New Career In A New Town: An Examination Of Syrian Refugee Entrepreneurs In The Netherlands And Germany
Ronald C. Johnson, Cassandra Shaw
American Public University, USA

Leveraging Embedded Capital: Using a Co-creation Perspective in Base of the Pyramid Markets
Urs Jager1, Ted London2
1INCAE, Costa Rica; 2University of Michigan, USA


The Role of Business Model Experimentation for Overcoming Inter-Institutional and Intra-Institutional Difference in Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Innovations
Alain Daou1,2, Petra Andries3
1American University of Beirut, Lebanon; 2KU Leuven, Belgium; 3Ghent University, Belgium

How Can Partnerships in Asymmetric Power Relations Be Achieved? A Case of H-JUMP!
Jaehong Park1, Sang-Joon Kim2 , Choi, Jae ho3
1Hongik University, Republic of South Korea; 2Ewha Womans University, Republic of South Korea; 3Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of South Korea.

Business Model Innovation in Base-of-the-Pyramid Market Entry
Ted London
University of Michigan, United States of America

Sustainable Value in the Base of the Pyramid
Mark Alan Heuer1 Stefan Seuring2
1Susquehanna University, United States of America 2University of Kassel, Germany.