We are happy to announce that a special issue on “Business Models for the Circular Economy” in Business Strategy and the Environment (initial submission deadline 30 August 2019) will be attached to session 1 of the NBM2019 conference. Authors with accepted and potentially relevant papers to the special issue can benefit from direct feedback during the conference to further refine their papers for optimal fit into the special issue.
The circular economy is receiving increasing attention as a way to overcome the linear economic model, which is characterized by a “take–make–dispose” pattern. The circular economy aims at slowing (i.e., maintenance, repair, remanufacturing) and closing (i.e., recycling) resource cycles (Bocken, Ritala, & Huotari, 2017; Stahel & Reday‐Mulvey, 1981) in order to obtain sustainable development leading to reduced amounts of natural resources used, wastes disposed of in landfills, and greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere (e.g., Ghisellini, Cialani, & Ulgiati, 2016; Kirchherr, Reike, & Hekkert,2017; Korhonen, Honkasalo, & Seppälä, 2018). In this scenario, companies and policymakers are called to design and implement circular economy strategies.
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